Krmení při odchovu
Při odchovu krátkozobých holubů je velmi důležitá krmná směs zrnin.
V mém chovu podávám tradiční holubí zob: kukuřice, hrách, peluška, pšenice.
Velmi se mi osvědčilo podávat proso a řepku. Tuto směs dostávají v omezeném množství ve vzláštním krmítku ve voliéře a to dvakrát denně.
Denní dávka krmiva pro cca 40-50holubů je 1 - 1,5kg zrnin.
Na toto krmení se holubi vyloženě těší, protože při plnění krmítka mi skoro zobou z ruky.
Při večerní kontrole holouba na hnízdě jsou holoubata nakrmena převážně tímto drobným krmivem.
Při nedostatku drobn0ho krmiva chůvy sice holubata nakrmí, ale většinou kukuřicí a peluškou, kterou holoubata déle tráví.
Někdy, když není místo pod chůvami a holoubata krmí rodiče, je nutné je dokrmovat ručně. V takovém to případě používám namočený holubí zob a dokrmuji pouze večer.
Občas musím přikrmit i holoubata pod chůvami (když holub honí holubici znovu na hnízdo), toto trvá pouze 2-3dny, pak už zase krmí sami.
Také je nutné podávat holubům grit (od fi.Tolar&Čechura), kamennou sůl, písek a zelené (tráva, ptačí zob, pampeliška).
Důležitá je též denně podávaná čistá, studená voda s trochou octa. Na 3litry vody asi 1ml octa.
Toto se dává pro lepší trávení.
Tak to jsou moje veškeré zkušenosti s krmením při odchovu.

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Nasza frima Nasza działalność pomaga w odbieraniu paczek odbiorze przesyłek odbieraniu nadań kurierskich, przyjmowaniu zwrotów obsłudze zwrotów przyjęciu zwróconych przesyłek kurierskich, oraz a także a dodatkowo a ponadto odbieramy przyjmujemy zapłatę opłatę w rumuńskich lejach rumuńskiej walucie rumuńskich stawkach walucie obowiązującej w Rumunii. Dzięki nam Z naszą pomocą w łatwy i szybki sposób pokierujesz swoim biznesem internetowym poprowadzisz swój sklep w sieci i rozwiniesz poszerzysz swoją działalność ofertę na światową międzynarodową skalę.
Zaufaj najlepszy i pozwól daj sobie pomóc. Udowodnimy Pokażemy Ci, że przesył nadawanie wysyłanie sprzedawanie paczek towarów poza granice za granicę poza Polskę może być może okazać się łatwiejsze prostsze szybsze sprawniejsze niż to prowadzone w kraju dostępne w Polsce działające na terenie naszego Państwa Jesteśmy po to działamy po to Zostaliśmy stworzeni po to aby każdego dnia na co dzień pomagać takim firmom tego typu firmom jak Twoja. Nie szukaj niesprawdzonych kurierów Nie marnuj czasu na przeglądanie internetu w poszukiwaniu innych nie trać cennych godzin na znalezienie odpowiedniego kuriera wybierz zaufaj tym, na których możesz polegać.
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PUBG Mobile Free UC & BP Generator 2020 *UPDA sY
(ThomasMub, 9. 4. 2020 10:41)
Welcome to mobiletiperz! This is is an online web generator that will help you to generate Battle Points on. If you are looking for a functional PUBG Mobile Generator , then you will find dozens of online offers, out of which more than 80% seem suspicious to say the least. What is more interesting is that PUBG has launched PUBG Prime Plus as well as PUBG Prime subscriptions for players.
PUBG Mobile comes to Android a soft establishing in Canada this previous week. However, it's very important for you to know that not all of these cheats and hack tools can work perfectly for unlimited UC. If you want to save your money and time, you should use online PUBG MOBILE Hack Cheats resources instead. Instead, you can perform PubG Mobile BP Coins Generator by taking advantages of the in-game options.
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Hence, we are going to explain the meaning of PUBG UC and how to get it. UC stands for unknown cash. We have put down on a number of PUBG tricks using which you can get UC cash at discount for free. If you just generate enough UC, then you should be safe. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is an online multiplayer battle royale game developed and published by PUBG Corporation, a subsidiary of South Korean video game company Bluehole.
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Eskadron -- brand adored by jockeys all around the whole world
(CyberXRak, 6. 4. 2020 12:04)
Eskadron is one of the very valued high-street manufacturers on the world that focuses primarily on the creation of highquality equestrian clothing and equipment. This Italian concern has been set by Pikeur trying to satisfy the jockeys' demands, who were looking for professional but also trendy equestrian accessories. So, what makes Eskadron so special and why their collections are therefore popular among passengers?Eskadron Why would bikers from all over the world love this particular brand?
Eskadron continues to be tremendously popular among horse riding lovers for several or even more years now. This brand's products are characterized by their highquality attention to detail. Eskadron is also valued for their unique viability, elegance, and innovativeness of their projects, modern design and style, and availability. The new offer includes both professional ones and items for recreational riders. Thus, you can find basic design clothes, expert equestrian, and various accessories necessary for the proper saddling of a horse. Eskadron offers saddle fabrics, halters, rugs, bell boots for horses, boots, fly hats, drapes, however in addition hoodies, t-shirts, breeches, even reveal coats. These products include the European Union, which in addition verifies their quality.Eskadron's ranges
Eskadron has lots of collections. Some are seasonal, many others are constantly accessible their own offer. The most Well-known collections of this brand are:
Vintage Sports - established twice a calendar year, this line is composed exclusively of horse riding equipment. Products out of this collection are extremely easy, in standard soft colors but at the same time very elegant.
Platinum Card - launches once a year for those who like traditional solutions. You will mostly find gray and black shades combined with delicate image themes.
Young Star - lineup for kids that begin their experience with horse riding. It's basic horseriding accessories in bright colours and exceptional designs.
Equestrian Fanatics - clothing line made for riders that like to stand out. Available coats, hoodies, and backpacks successfully unite casual clothing with equestrianism.
Classic offer - Their constant offer of clothing, equipment, and accessories. You'll find products used for training and regular rides but additionally elegant show clothing.
Eskadron is a new used by cyclists from all over the globe. For the benefit of safety and riding both yours and your horse, it might be well worth investing in high quality articles, which may enable one to fully appreciate this sport that is exceptional.
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(Andrewcon, 14. 4. 2020 21:50)